
Wednesday 27 January 2016

Maximising My Detox

As a lover of all things health and wellness, I’ve always been an advocate of a good detox.  It helps clean the system from all the pollutants as well as giving your body a chance to ‘reset’.

Whether it be a juice cleanse, supplement or nutritional based cleanse or simply eating clean, the benefits of placing your lifestyle indulgences to the side become truly evident as your body cleans itself out, both in appearance with clearer skin and a more glowing complexion, and in how you feel with increased energy and better digestion.

Green Juice Cleanse - one of my favorites

No matter, which cleanse I adopt, to ensure the benefits are maximised, I opt for a supplemental machine based treatment such as LPG.

In a woman’s body, there are parts that naturally hold more fat. Whilst we love our curves, we want them to be healthy as opposed to mushy houses of toxins that retain fluid and contribute to a ricotta cheese-like appearance!

Preservatives, fatty foods, smoke, alcohol and even pollutants in the air we breathe in get trapped in these areas and cannot move.

When you’re detoxing, regardless of how good the diet is, how strenuous the exercise you’re undertaking and the amount of water your drink, these toxins will remain and need to be physically shifted and pushed out.

My method is simple. When I have an hour free, I get one of my therapists to give me a good session on the LPG. The rollers and suction work to break down the trapped heavy metals and excess fluid and, combined with the benefits of my detox, my body is able to process these toxins and get rid of them for good. 

It is only after a few of these sessions that I feel that the detox has truly worked!

Love, Eva xxx